Thursday, February 5, 2009

Anyone Got a Mirror?

Hi dear Photography Tips for Everyday People blog followers! This is my first posting. Good to be on the blogesphere (sp.?)

When taking pictures with your pocket camera, try using a very small mirror to bounce the light from the flash on the camera off of the ceiling or other surface. Just hold the mirror right in front of the flash at an angle so that the light from the flash bounces off of another surface to illuminate your subject. This will yield some interesting results at the very least, and most times yield better results than if you were to just shoot the normal way, where the flash hits the subject directly.

You can get small mirrors from hobby stores, or you can grab one from a purse, where it might be a part of a small make-up accessory such as a blush container or such.

Note: this could also work with a small white card, such as the back of a business card.

- Bob The Camera Man, Hawaii Event Photographer


  1. I also used A small note card, (the white side) when i was indoors and it made a dramatic difference.
